
23 December 2012

It's nearly Christmas!!!!

It's Christmas Eve, Eve. Only a few hours until Christmas eve and Christmas day is within reaching distance. I can't believe how quickly it has come around. We are all ready for Christmas in this house. Presents are wrapped, cinnamon buns are baked, The Snowman has been watched and everything is ready to be shipped to Grandmas house. That's where we will be spending Christmas this year.

This is the sleigh ride at the Co-op. It's been there for decades and I went on it as a child. We finally got to ride it together. Mummy was far too emotional.

Not keen on this Father Christmas...

Look at my snowman jumper!!

Our stockings

Christmas Eve is my favourite day. There is so much excitement building. I remember feeling as if I was going to burst with excitement when I was younger. Watching cheesy Christmas films, eating peanuts and sweets, putting out milk and a mince pie. I remember every year asking my Mum and Dad how on Earth Father Christmas could get into our house when we didn't have a proper fireplace. (He has a special key for these circumstances, if anyone was wondering). It's so magical. I hope the day is special and magical for you Harry, especially as you grow up and start to understand it more.

Have a wonderful Christmas my beautiful boy. xxx

26 November 2012

My little rockstar, in a snowman jumper.

You're going to be so annoyed with me when you're older... ah well, here you are rocking out to Bohemian Rhapsody on your guitar whilst wearing a snowman jumper. I'll be very surprised if you're not in a band of some sort when you're older, hopefully still rocking the Christmas knitwear.

Enjoy! It gets really good at about 0:40...

 Love you, my little rockstar!

P.s. Christmas is coming.... watch this space!

9 November 2012

Autumn 2012 - Leaf piles, Potty training and listening to Queen

I think my love of Autumn may be rubbing off on you. We both got a little bit too excited yesterday when we saw a huge pile of leaves that we could kick our way through in the park. And we did, lots. We were the only ones there because everyone else seems a little afraid of the cold. We had red noses and fingers like ice by the time we left but we were warm and happy on the inside. (You also slept like a log for over an hour and let me enjoy my coffee and trashy magazine in peace. Going out in the cold has many benefits...)

Aside from finding leaves in every possible colour imaginable, we have also been potty training. You have absolutely astounded me with how quickly you have learnt to use the potty/toilet. The first day was tricky, for both of us, but after the first day of wee-wee's everywhere, you just got it. You tell me when you need to go and you are almost dry at night too. We are slowly venturing out without a pull-up on. It's highly likely that you wouldn't have an accident but Mummy is still a bit scared. Silly, I know!

 I am so proud of you Harry. You continue to surprise me with how quickly you are growing up. I felt very sad yesterday that you are now wearing size 3-4 year clothes. That soon disappeared when I realised that means I can go shopping for you. (Although I'm not sure H&M actually have anymore stripy tops that I haven't already bought!)

And now we move onto Queen. Your new favourite band. I know Uncle Tom will be proud of you and hopefully a few other people will enjoy this video.

No doubt my next post will probably be about Christmas. I've already begun infusing our house with Christmas related things. A book called 'The Dinosaur that Pooped Christmas' arrived today. A truly disgusting but totally festive book which is exactly as it's title describes. I would thouroughly recommend it. (It helps that it's written by Mcfly, experts at childrens literature and making me weak at the knees, so it seems).
I have also started Christmas crafting. It's like a disease. Once you start cutting felt, you can't stop. I will get you involved this year, you have no choice!

Happy Autumn my darling xxxx

19 October 2012

Watch what you're saying...

'Oh my God, you soooooooooo annoying Mummy!'

This is what you said to me yesterday when I was trying to get your clothes on. There are many reasons why I should've told you off for talking to me like that but I couldn't help it. I laughed harder than I thought I could. And then you laughed and gave me your cheekiest grin.

With your speech developing so quickly at the moment, I have to very careful with what I am saying around you. I didn't realise how often I said 'Oh my God' but it must be a lot if you've picked up on it. Other variations of the above include:

'Oh my God, where's my dinner?' and,
'Oh my god, not bed time yet!'

I will make every effort in future to say 'Oh my goodness' instead, however old fashioned that makes me sound.

This is to add to the list of your favourites which at the moment consists of:
'Pack it in!'
'I'm watching you...'
'That's so annoying'

While we're on the topic of things being annoying....
This must be something I say a lot too because you keep saying it about everything. And I must apologise to Katy from 'I can cook' on CBeebies. I've said a few times that I think she is annoying and now you shout it at her when she comes on screen. Sorry Katy.

 You are saying the funniest, cutest and cleverest things at the moment. I wish I could film every single one.
You told me that your forehead is called your one head, (which makes perfect sense), but I wasn't prepared for you to tell the Dr the same thing yesterday. Dr Nagra thought you were very funny.

You have appointment for speech therapy on Monday as the health visitor thinks you need some help pronouncing some sounds. I can't wait to hear what you come out with after a little help.

 Oh, and please don't tell the speech therapist that she is annoying, or that you 'hate her toys', or thats 'its boring'. Mummys face will go redder than your favourite red jumper...

Some recent pictures...

Climbing far too high and giving Mummy and Grandma a heart attack
Climbing trees

Tired, grumpy but still beautiful

Sorry Mummy...
Love you the most my little dude xxx

18 September 2012

I'm mad at you...

This blog was created so that we could look back on your life when you're older. I don't want you to look back and think it was all rainbows and flying unicorns. Yes, you are really cute and lovely but just recently, you have taken to throwing the worst temper tantrums ever. Today, you almost got run over because of your temper. Mummy nearly had a heart attack before shouting at you and then breaking down in tears about what very nearly happened.

We live on a somewhat busy road and you ran into it before I could grab you. We were very lucky that at that minute, there were absolutely no cars. That is rare for our road, unless it is the middle of the night or a Sunday morning.

I have no idea what the tantrum was even about. Something to do with your bike but I don't even think you were completely sure. This is the fourth major tantrum since last Thursday. I suppose we have been lucky to get away with it until you were two and a half.

I may be cross with you but I gave you extra cuddles and kisses this afternoon. Thinking about what could have happened makes my heart skip a beat.

I just want you to be safe Harry. So you can kick and scream all you want, but next time you WILL be in a safe place, despite your protests.

Your back-pack with the strap for me to hold is going on back on you when we go out tomorrow.

Please let this be a short phase in your life....

Love you to the stars you naughty little boy! xxx

14 September 2012

Saying Goodbye and Good luck!

So, that's it. Uncle Kyle has left to go and live with Auntie Nicki in Dubai. We had an emotional goodbye yesterday. You looked so worried for a split second when everyone was getting upset, but then you were more concerned with the Ipad. It's good, in a way, that you don't really understand what's going on because it would probably make it that bit harder for everyone.

For reference, things I have learnt about Dubai in the last few weeks:
- It is not a country, but an Emirate which makes up the United Arab Emirates (I am ashamed I didn't know this as a Geography geek...)
- It is 3 hours ahead
- It takes 6.5 hours to fly there, longer on the way back
- It is spread along the coast
- In the summer the beach is deserted because it is just too hot to be out there and the sea is warm like a bath

Things I have learnt about my brother, (Uncle Kyle), in the last few weeks:
- He is very brave to move to another continent, country and culture.
- He loves Nicki, not just with his heart, but his entire soul. He would follow her to end of the Earth. If you want to see true love, there is no better example. It's right there.
- He is a VERY good liar. He suprised Nicki in the most wonderful way by flying out early. I heard him on the phone and saw him laying false trails on Facebook.... Makes me wonder what he lied about when we were younger...

We will miss them both more than any words here could ever express. BUT... they have a chance to start a better life out there, a better life that will lead them back here one day. This will be the making of them.

 They'll be home for visits and will spoil you rotten no doubt! We can talk to them on the phone and on Skype and we will see lots of photos of them. The flight over there is shorter than the drive down to Devon, (granted we did have a traffic jam and a break down...), so hopefully we can visit as well.

So we'll be sad for a while and miss them lots but it's not like they'll be away forever. I can't wait to hear all about their adventures!


25 August 2012

Summer time

It's summer and we are making the most of it. The best way of showing what we've been up to is with pictures. I'll point out now that you are getting rather annoyed at me constantly asking you to say 'Cheeeese!' I actually don't know why I ask you to say that because you pull the most hideous face when you do!

Trampoline, now long gone...

Poundshop pavement chalks - lifesaver


Beautiful boy on holiday in Devon

Rock climbing in your new dinosaur shoes

Cheesy cheese face at the beach

'Tell me to say cheese one more time. I dare you...'

More numbers

Now an expert on your balance bike

Pool time at Grandmas house with your aunties

It's been a busy summer, with lots of changes. Your Auntie Jessica has finished at primary school and will be going to secondary school in September. It won't affect you very much but it's a big step for her. Seeing your happy face waiting for her in the car after school will help enormously. We'll be there Jess, waiting to hear all about it.
Your Auntie Nicki left in April for better and brighter things in Dubai. She has a fantastic job and a brilliant career ahead of her out there. We are all so proud of her. But of course we miss her like crazy. You've had a moment or two when you've felt sad and said 'want see Icki'. You've spoken to her on Skype and Uncle Kyle told you she was trapped in the phone. You found that highly amusing! Kyle will be joining her in less than a month. This is not something Mummy can write about easily and probably deserves it's own blog post. It's a big change for us all.

When school starts again, it means it is nearly Autumn. Autumn is when the leaves change colour, the nights get darker and our pyjamas get cosier. I won't lie, I love Autumn and Winter. There's excitement in new school uniforms, thinking about Halloween costumes, pumpkins, fireworks and CHRISTMAS!  (It's written in capitals because I am so excited for 'it' but it's small because I don't want to alarm anyone else reading by reminding them of 'it's' approach)

I can't wait for some Autumn adventures with you Harry. Although I expect a lot of them will be potty training related. Do you really have to grow up? Nappies and your dummies are the last remaining baby traits and I'm not keen to give them up yet.

Love you Harry..... ( 'I know, Mummy!' is what you've started to reply to that).

Mummy xxx

9 July 2012

'Me, I want a Hula-Hoop'

We've been watching quite a few DVDs lately, mostly because of the awful weather. We raided the selection at Grandmas house and came back with quite a few to choose from. Anything animated is a hit with you, especially Disney Prince/Princess senarios like Aladdin or Tangled. Films with catchy songs or funny characters are also popular, like Happy Feet, Cloudy with a chance of meatballs or Despicable me. I feel like I've had a good catch up with childrens films over the last few months and would call myself a bit of an expert.

One of the films we got from Grandmas was Alvin and the Chipmunks. I was unsure about this one as it's not entirely animated and you usually aren't keen. I was sadly mistaken. The first thing you've asked for in the morning these past few days is 'Chimpmunks'. No, thats not a spelling mistake. You call them 'Chimp'munks. You laugh hysterically when Theodore says 'ooooh muffins' I have no idea why.

They sing a song about Christmas which includes the line, 'Me, I want a Hula-Hoop'. You've taken this quite literally. You're getting there with your Hula skills. You've got the basic idea and the ladies better watch out when you show them your moves when you're older. The ladies love a Hula-Hooper*...

*OK, so not strictly true but it's still an important life skill

Love you Dude x

9 June 2012

We're being invaded... toy soldiers*, in the bath, obviously. Apparently they were all dirty and needed to have a bath. I started to run your bath and you tipped them all in when I nipped upstairs to get your pyjamas. I'm just glad it wasn't anything electrical or valuable. It's very cute seeing you enjoying your toys like this. Not so enjoyable when Mummy steps on a toy soldier whilst in the shower. I swear it hurts more than stepping on a Lego.

(* Disclaimer: In no way to do I encourage or endorse the use of guns or fighting. The soldiers are characters from Toy Story, one of your favourite films. I doubt very much you even know what a gun is.) 

You have been chatting a lot recently. You come out with the funniest things. I need to write them here so that I remember them. Your Auntie Hannah used to come out with some funny things when she was little. I remember telling my friends about her but I just can't remember what she actually said. I don't want to forget your funny moments. There are three that stand out from the last week:

1.  You were pretending to speak to someone on the phone.
Me: Who are you talking to Harry?
You: Daddy
Me: Really? Do you know his number?
You: .... thirty four!
(Technically correct - he is indeed thirty four. Clever boy)

2. We bought Happy meals in the drive-thru and I told you to wait until we got to Grandmas house. Auntie Hannah started to eat hers.
You: NO HANNAH! Eat Grandmas house! HANNAH! (blows raspberry at her)

3. This morning, you wanted me to open the window in my bedroom but I wouldn't because it's very low and you could fall out.
You: Please Mummy! Help please! Heeeeeelp! I like help....

It's so exciting watching you learn to communicate with everyone around you. You spread laughter and happiness so easily. And the singing. Oh my lord, the singing! You are learning to sing faster than you are learning to talk. It is near enough in tune and in time which is amazing.

Favourite tunes at the moment:

We are young by Fun
Call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepson
Price tag by Jessie J
Daddy Call by Boney M  (This is completely Daddys fault!)
Sexy and i know it by LMFAO
The lazy song by Bruno Mars

You are also rocking a rather entertaining version of ABC that we found on YouTube. You do the most hilarious deep voice. I need to film you doing this one. Maybe I can use it as blackmail when you're older.

Don't ever stop singing Harry! 


Oh, and a pic to show off your new haircut. Every time the lady cut your hair, you said 'Ow' 

12 May 2012

A bit of art

More on your face than on the paper. Suppose it's more fun that way! Nice gurning by the way...

Oh and please don't hate me when you're older and you see photos like these. You can pull some great faces so they'll be a lot more to come!

I'll add another cute photo to soften the blow. This is you in your trendy clothes today. You're far to fashionable for someone so young. Auntie Hannah bought you the trainers. Thank you Hannah!


29 March 2012

Miracle recovery

Since Tuesday night, you have been poorly. You have had a fever and have been sick, all over Mummy I might add! At lunch time today, I was very close to rushing you back over to the Doctors because you were just inconsolable. You cried hysterically for an hour, fell asleep sitting up, and then cried for another hour when you woke up. I managed to convince you to have your medicine and half an hour later you were like a different child. That Calpol bottle really is Mummys best friend! You have turned a corner now and seem to be getting better.

Because you haven't eaten, Mummy offered you lots of yummy treats, like special ice-creams. This is one of the perks of being poorly.

Being in the garden automatically means bubbles to you. And we have plenty of them with our bubble machine.

And in continuing our theme of eating whatever you want after you've been poorly, we made Pink. Yes, that's right, Pink. ( It's what we call strawberry flavour Angel Delight! )

I've never known anyone make such a quick recovery after appearing so poorly. Mummy was very worried about you Harry but is very glad you are now on the mend.


18 March 2012

How to live your life

There are certain things in life that your parents are meant to teach you. How to walk, talk, catch a ball, count to ten, ride a bike. These are usually the fun exciting things in life. You will remember them forever. There are certain other things in life that your parents teach you that you never even realised. Things you do automatically because they are second nature. Things like this:

This is how to live your life Harry. Simple guidelines which make everyones life just a little bit nicer. Follow these rules and you will grow up to be a good, decent person. And I will know that I have done a good job in raising you.


9 March 2012

Funny faces

You made Grandma and I laugh a lot today. Well, you do that everyday but today was especially funny because you were pulling such funny faces.

I don't think I need to say anything else...


17 February 2012


I never realised just how many numbers we come across everyday. Not until you were able to read numbers and now insist on pointing them out all the time. For example, a walk to the library means pointing out numbers on doors, wheelie bins, car number plates and buses. A five minute walk takes us fifteen, at least. God forbid we go to the supermarket. There are numbers all over the place! All you can hear from our trolley is 'four two! three zero!'

You've been able to count up to 30 for a couple of months now. Although, all of the teen numbers sound the same. (You always say the right amount though so I know you are thinking it correctly). You can read numbers up to twelve. You are barely two and you are reading numbers. You are so clever Harry and Mummy is so proud of you. What gets me is how you are so eager to find numbers anywhere we go, whatever we are doing. People may assume that because I am a teacher, I have sat you down and drummed it into to. But I honestly haven't. You WANT to learn. Even when we play on you magnetic drawing board and I ask you what you want me to draw. The answer is always 'umbers, pwease Mummy' I can beg you to let me draw something else, but you say no and get cross with me.

You read you numbers on your bedroom wall before I turn off your bedroom light and say goodnight. Sometimes, when your eyes have got used to the dark, I can hear you reading them to yourself again before you drift off to sleep.

I go to sleep singing the Numberjacks theme tune in my head because you have made me watch it TEN TIMES in one afternoon. Bloody numbers....

5 February 2012

It's snowing!

I've waited patiently for you to come back from Daddys house so that we could play in the snow. Our back garden was completely untouched. Pure white snow, a blank canvas for us to play on. As soon as you arrived home, the wellies went on and were out like a shot... told me it was cold and you wouldn't touch the snow. You didn't like it sticking to your wellies and didn't like that your football was wet. You asked to go back inside after 4 minutes. Oh well, maybe you'll enjoy it more next winter.

Come on Mummy, It's freezing out here!

You are two on Wednesday. I'm still thinking about what to write in this blog for you to mark the occasion. Watch this space...

21 January 2012

Grandad, a true gent

I keep trying to write this post. I want to tell you about your Grandad, my Dad, more than anything but it's difficult to find the words. There is a whole childhood of memories to remember. To put that into words is no easy task. Then there are the teenage years when I thought I knew best, and the grown up years when I realised that, actually, Dad did know best. I don't know if this post is to tell you about your Grandad, or a therapy session for me. Either way, here it is.

Your Grandad.

Grandad had 3 tattoos. They were a constant source of ridicule. Weird place to start when describing your Grandad I know, but appearances are important.
On his chest was a rose where the name of an ex-girlfriend had been blacked out. On his left arm was a naked lady with a snake covering her bits. On his right arm was an eagle that had been drawn by a friend. It looked more like a pigeon. All considered epic fails I'm afraid. Let this be a lesson to you Harry, tattoos will be regretted at a later date...
Grandad could look quite intimidating with his tattoos but he was a big softy at heart. He was a church warden, ran numerous charity events and would help anyone if he could. That's why so many people describe him as being 'a true gent'.

Your Grandad loved darts. And he wasn't too bad at it either. He was always nagging us to go and watch him play but we always said it too boring. We should've gone to watch. I think we would have been proud. His dart board is still in the kitchen at Grandmas house.Uncle Kyle will teach you to play on it one day. Mummy will stand at a safe distance!

It's hard to remember the times before Grandad was poorly. Looking at photographs help, like the photos of him with a moustache and a mullet in the 1980's. You have this picture of Grandad pulling a silly face in a frame by your bed. It always makes me smile. 

Grandad liked Ska music, especially The Specials. You quite like bopping along to some of their songs. We'll have to listen to more of them.

DIY was Grandads other talent. He was really good at decorating houses and generally fixing things. Mummy has needed a few things fixing just lately and I really wish I could call him and ask him to sort it out. He would huff and puff about it, but he would get the job done.

Grandad wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. He smoked, had no patience with us children and spent way to much time on the computer. His favourite dinners were faggots and Fray Bentos pies which I'm sure are designed to induce heart attacks. He used to get mayonaise all over his face when eating a kebab after a night out and his nose would whistle when he breathed out of it. But if these were his only flaws, he didn't do too badly. 

What you should know is that your sister Ellie changed my Dad. We already know that she is an amazing little girl but her coming into Grandads life captured his heart. With Ellie in his life, he became even more determined to help others. This wonderful child with an extra chromosome brought out the best in my Dad.

And then there was you....

You were one of his proudest moments. Because he was poorly, he didn't feed or change you, or even hold you very much but you could feel his love for you. It was in his eyes.

There are so many other things you need to know about your Grandad, things that your family will tell you about as you grow up. He will always be a part of you Harry and I know he is proud of you. He always will be. Unless you refuse to support Manchester United of course...

Mummy x

9 January 2012


You've finally learnt to smile for the camera! This is just a post to show how cheesy you are.

This is by far the cheesiest pic I've ever seen!
