
27 December 2011

Feeling crafty

Mummy is getting a bit creative in her old age. Since becoming a stay at home Mum, I've had the time to rediscover my crafty side. I love making things for you Harry. Especially things for your room. I don't think you really care very much but I hope you will treasure these things when you get older. I put my love for you into these things Harry. I hope you can see that.
I know it's soppy and sentimental but it is absolutely true. You make my soul happy.

15 December 2011

Love to read

After you had gone to bed this evening, I picked up books from all over the downstairs of our house. There were books under the sofa, on the fireplace, on the table and even a little book that had been kicked under the fridge. You love to read. Well, I say read but mostly I mean you like to point at objects and shout their names. You can read numbers though, which is very clever for a little boy who isn't even two yet. You can read the numbers 1 to 5, even when Mummy tries to trick you by mixing them up.

You've got a new way of delaying bedtime now. I say it's time to go to bed and you ask, in the cutest voice, "one more?" and you bring me a book. It's hard to resist a request like that.

You have quite a few favourite books at the moment. Here are some of them:

- 'Thats not my Train' (and other titles in this series. Toddler Mummies and Daddies know exactly what I'm talking about)
- 'My Dad' by Anthony Browne (excellent illustrations to entertain Mummy)
- 'Toy Story' picture book (Driving Mummy crazy - I'll ellaborate further in a future post)
- My first words (Full of images of everyday objects which I have noticed are mostly from Ikea)

I hope you continue to love books as you get older. You'll be reading Daddy's copy of 'War and Peace' in no time!*

Mummy x

* Daddy may not own this particular book, nor does he intend to ever own it but, you know, you get my point

9 December 2011

A day at home

We didn't really go anywhere today. We walked to the library to take some books back but that was the extent of our adventures outside. We did, however, have some adventures inside.

You are fast becoming a little telly addict. It's nice for Mummy to have five minutes to do the washing up or put some make-up on but I don't want my precious boy ending up with square eyes! So instead, I recruited you to help me with my boring jobs today. And, I must say, you are very handy with the washing. Just the right height to load and empty the machine, especially when Mummys back is sore. God forbid if I try to help you. You MUST do it all by yourself, each item carefully removed and handed to Mummy. We'll have no chauvinistic ideas in this house!

You might notice that you have wellies on in this photo. These are the wellies we found in the charity shop for just £1. They have aliens on them and you LOVE them. You wouldn't take them off today. You kept telling me to put mine on. I did for five minutes but they are really not the most comfortable footwear to wear around the house.

After lunch, we decided to get a bit creative. You asked for your box of arty bits and pieces and we let loose with the paint and play-doh. You don't like getting your hands dirty though. Even the slightest speck of dirt, paint or food is a big no-no. This results in us getting through at least 20 wet wipes everytime we do anything remotely messy. The paint was the big issue today. Sorry, the green paint.
"Greeeeeeeen! Paint! eurgh!!!!"

Last photo. Isn't this just the cutest 'I'm not doing anything naughty Mummy, I promise' face ever?

Love you, scrummy boy x