
27 December 2011

Feeling crafty

Mummy is getting a bit creative in her old age. Since becoming a stay at home Mum, I've had the time to rediscover my crafty side. I love making things for you Harry. Especially things for your room. I don't think you really care very much but I hope you will treasure these things when you get older. I put my love for you into these things Harry. I hope you can see that.
I know it's soppy and sentimental but it is absolutely true. You make my soul happy.

15 December 2011

Love to read

After you had gone to bed this evening, I picked up books from all over the downstairs of our house. There were books under the sofa, on the fireplace, on the table and even a little book that had been kicked under the fridge. You love to read. Well, I say read but mostly I mean you like to point at objects and shout their names. You can read numbers though, which is very clever for a little boy who isn't even two yet. You can read the numbers 1 to 5, even when Mummy tries to trick you by mixing them up.

You've got a new way of delaying bedtime now. I say it's time to go to bed and you ask, in the cutest voice, "one more?" and you bring me a book. It's hard to resist a request like that.

You have quite a few favourite books at the moment. Here are some of them:

- 'Thats not my Train' (and other titles in this series. Toddler Mummies and Daddies know exactly what I'm talking about)
- 'My Dad' by Anthony Browne (excellent illustrations to entertain Mummy)
- 'Toy Story' picture book (Driving Mummy crazy - I'll ellaborate further in a future post)
- My first words (Full of images of everyday objects which I have noticed are mostly from Ikea)

I hope you continue to love books as you get older. You'll be reading Daddy's copy of 'War and Peace' in no time!*

Mummy x

* Daddy may not own this particular book, nor does he intend to ever own it but, you know, you get my point

9 December 2011

A day at home

We didn't really go anywhere today. We walked to the library to take some books back but that was the extent of our adventures outside. We did, however, have some adventures inside.

You are fast becoming a little telly addict. It's nice for Mummy to have five minutes to do the washing up or put some make-up on but I don't want my precious boy ending up with square eyes! So instead, I recruited you to help me with my boring jobs today. And, I must say, you are very handy with the washing. Just the right height to load and empty the machine, especially when Mummys back is sore. God forbid if I try to help you. You MUST do it all by yourself, each item carefully removed and handed to Mummy. We'll have no chauvinistic ideas in this house!

You might notice that you have wellies on in this photo. These are the wellies we found in the charity shop for just £1. They have aliens on them and you LOVE them. You wouldn't take them off today. You kept telling me to put mine on. I did for five minutes but they are really not the most comfortable footwear to wear around the house.

After lunch, we decided to get a bit creative. You asked for your box of arty bits and pieces and we let loose with the paint and play-doh. You don't like getting your hands dirty though. Even the slightest speck of dirt, paint or food is a big no-no. This results in us getting through at least 20 wet wipes everytime we do anything remotely messy. The paint was the big issue today. Sorry, the green paint.
"Greeeeeeeen! Paint! eurgh!!!!"

Last photo. Isn't this just the cutest 'I'm not doing anything naughty Mummy, I promise' face ever?

Love you, scrummy boy x

27 November 2011

Hide and seek

One of your favourite games at the moment is hide and seek. You hide in the most obvious places and wait for someone to find you. I know you're hiding because you put your finger to your lips and say 'Shhh...' When you've been found, you tell the person that found you to go and hide, only you don't give them a chance! You run straight after them, find them and then it's your turn again. I think you do this because you like hiding best of all. Seeking is just something you have to tolerate to get to the fun hiding part.

This is your favourite 'hiding' spot in the kitchen. It's not very discrete is it Harry?

25 October 2011

Harry loves shoes

There are countless toys for you to play with in our house. Literally every toddler toy you could think of is in our house somewhere. You choose to play with shoes. You get every shoe you can reach and throw it on the floor. You even climb inside the box so that you can reach more shoes. Sometimes you match the shoes up which, I think, is very clever for someone so little.

19 October 2011

Rub a dub dub

Bathtime is always a manic time in our house. I have to be ready with a towel for the moment you decide to try and escape the bath. There is no chance you will try an escape until you've had at least 10 minutes of craziness. Splashing, swimming, blowing bubbles and throwing every single toy out, and half the bath water with it.

You won't have bubbles in your bath. You hate getting them on your hands. I thought I would try you with bubbles again this week. You were not impressed with Mummy. You kept showing me your hand, saying 'bubbles, eurgh'.

You remembered that last time you had a bath, there was a spider near your basketball net. You wouldn't go anywhere near it this time and kept telling me, 'shpisher, shpisher'. I definately got that spider. That spider went on a magical journey down the toilet.

And then you get out of the bath and this is my favourite part. When you are soaking wet and you snuggle into your towel and into me for warmth. It makes me feel like the most important Mummy in the world. After a snuggle that I never want to end, it's time to race. Race to get the towel off you, cream on, powder sprinkled nappy in place, vest, pyjamas and.... relax. Cbeebies takes over and I clear up the fallout from your bath. A trail of towels, talc, dirty clothes, socks, and so many bath toys. Oh, and the couple of inches of water that you helpfully tipped out of the bath.


13 October 2011

2 minutes in your head - PARK EDITION

- I've got to run really fast, or else the park might dissapear.
-Oh no, I fell over.
-Get the dirt off my hands NOW!
-Must go down the slide head first.
-Another child approaching. Must scream at them.
- Actually, I think I'll kiss you instead.
-Must run to the swings as fast as I can.
-I'll try this swing out and then ask to be put on the other one, even though it's exactly the same.
-WAIT, SHHH! Is that a nee naw I can hear?
-I should try the slide head first again.
-Actually,  I think I'll climb up and down the steps instead even though I could do this at home.

6 October 2011

Your city

What is Coventry famous for?
 Mainly for getting bombed in the Blitz, being rubbish at football and a naked woman that rode a horse a very long time ago.

Coventry is where you were born. It's where I was born. It's where your Mums side of her entire family is from.

I used to hate living in Cov. (You're only allowed to call it Cov if you actually live there or are from Coventry). That was until I moved away and missed it a lot. I hope you grow up to realise what a lovely city it really is. There is so much history to discover. We discover it at least once a week on our way home from your swimming lesson.

Here you are in our old Cathedral that was destroyed by incendary bombs during the Blitz. All you cared about was going up and down the stairs and clapping youself when you didn't fall over...

1 October 2011

My favourite animal is _______

You are obsessed with dogs. Big dogs, little dogs, spotty dogs, ANY dogs! When you are a little bit older, I might think about getting you a dog. This is a big deal considering your Mummy used to be terrified of dogs. I would face my biggest fears for you Harry, if it makes you happy. Maybe we'll wait until you're old enough to take it for walks.

This photo is included just because it is you all over!

(Photos courtesy of Auntie Claire.)

16 September 2011

2 minutes in your head* HOME EDITION

I imagine that 2 minutes inside your head goes a little like this:

- Need to press buttons on remote control
- How far can I throw this ball?
- Forget that, I'll throw it at Mummys face
- She looks cross. That's funny.
- Repeat
- I've got to hide
- Oh, I've found some dust
- Need to press buttons on remote control
- I'm hungry,
- I don't want this banana
- I'm thirsty
- I wonder if I can spit this out?
- Take me upstairs
- What are we doing up here? TAKE ME DOWNSTAIRS NOW!
- Need to press buttons on remote control
- I need to chew something, where's Mummys keys?
- Oh, I forgot I had a nose
- Why have I got two socks on? MUST. TAKE. ONE. OFF.
- Need to press buttons on remote control
- Throw remote control at the TV when it won't work

(*idea stolen from another blog)

10 September 2011

Time for a picture

You were a little bit poorly today but still managed to chase the ducks in Kenilworth. 
My brave little welly boot soldier

7 September 2011

Tummy aches and raincoats

I hate it when you are poorly. You can't tell me what hurts or how I can make you feel better. You cry like you're wondering why I'm not doing anything to help you.
Today we had a breakthrough. You lay on my lap, pointed to your tummy and said.... 'sore... sore...' in the saddest little voice I've ever heard.
If it wasn't so damn cute, I probably would've gotten your medicine a little bit quicker.

I finally got you a raincoat this week, after driving Grandma crazy, telling her what I did and didn't want you to wear. You are still little and can't argue about what I dress you in so I am making the most of that. You can tell me off when you are older and you see this picture. I think it looks amazing!

Mummy xxx

3 September 2011

Time for a picture

You are so beautiful Harry. I know you are a boy so I should say you are handsome but you are so much more than that. I think you might just be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Mummy xxx

And so, the weekend begins

This morning I have time to shower, have my breakfast and come on the computer without having to watch the Summer song on the Cbeebies website. It's because you are not here.

You spend the weekends with your Dad and half sister Ellie. I spend my weekends catching up with sleep and missing you terribly. I wonder what you are doing, how you are feeling and if you're missing me.
I know you have a wonderful time with Daddy and Ellie. You visit lots of family and friends, eat lovely food and play lots of fun games.

When you come home on Sunday, the kiss and cuddle you give me is the best feeling in the world. That's when I know you have missed me.

I hope you are having fun this weekend my beautiful boy.

Mummy xxx

1 September 2011

Time for a picture

You and I in Grandmas garden. One of your favourite places.
A trampoline, a slide and lots of balls. What more could a boy need?

My name is MUMMY!

You think it's hysterical. I think it is the worst thing that I have ever heard you say.

Today you called me Laura.

I keep telling you,
"No, say Mummy"
You laugh and say,
"...aura... hehe!"

Then I laugh because it is a little bit funny.

Funny little boy!

Mummy x

31 August 2011

2010 - The best and the worst year of my life

I can't write a blog about your life without mentioning some of the bad times. There were some very bad times in your early life. You were the sunlight that got everyone through it. You were my rock, my strength and my guiding light, and you weren't even a year old.

You see, 2010 was a mixed year. It was the year you were born and the year I became a Mummy. It was also the year your Grandad died.

Grandad was diagnosed with a brain tumour in October 2009. I had just found out that you were a boy the week before. No one was prouder when they first met you than your Grandad. You could see the pride all over his face. It was like he had won the lottery. He was terribly ill the whole time you knew him but he always, ALWAYS made time for you. He would sit and watch you lying on your activity mat for hours, laughing at your little noises and squeaks. He liked to call you Harold. Mummy did NOT like that.

As you were quickly learning new skills everyday, Grandad seemed to lose his. He got weaker as you grew stronger. He grew quiet as you found your voice. You gave him slobbery kisses when he no longer could. You didn't see the pain and suffering that we did. You saw your Grandad. Your amazing, caring, loving and cherished Grandad. And that was what gave Grandad his strength.

When Grandad passed away, you were the light for everybody. You held us up. Without you, life would have been very dark in those following weeks.

You didn't do anything extraordinary. You were there. You were smiling. You needed feeding, changing, playing with. You showed us that life has to continue, even after one of the brightest lights in the sky has dissapeared. You cast a new light over us, one that I will follow for as long as it shines.

Mummy xxx

The first time I saw you, I knew that I loved you

Just in case you are worried, this is not a birth story. There is no way I would torture you with information about your Mothers, ahem, lady bits.

I will however, tell you that your birth was traumatic for both me and your Dad. I swelled up like a balloon in the days leading up to it due to pre-eclampsia. I was rushed into the high dependency unit, induced and then you were there. Not really screaming, just kind of whimpering, like you weren't expecting to be there. The nurse wrapped you up and handed you to me and thats when I knew I would do anything for you. I would move mountains and cross oceans for you.

You were the most beautiful baby I had ever seen and you were mine. I made you and you are my greatest accomplishment. My finest work of art. My Harryboo.

'I love you, Harryboo. Harry Harry Harry Harry Harryboo, ooo ohhh Harry. You're my Haryboo-oo-oo'
Adapted from Peggy Sue by Buddy Holly

This is what your Dad and I would sing to you to get you to sleep in the early days. It was your Dads fault. He used to sing it to your sister and then changed it for you.

It's actually a song from a very good film called Peggy Sue got married. You should watch it when you're older Harry. You'll like it.

Mummy x

For my beautiful boy

Time is passing us by so quickly, you and I. Already you are so independent and determined, and you are only 18 months old.

Your silly, sentimental Mummy is creating this blog for you and I to read when you are grown up and don't need me around so much. I will write about the major events in our lives, as well as our normal day to day activities. (They are exciting adventures to us but will sound boring to other people. That's because those people are not as much fun as we are!)

You are changing and doing new things everyday. You amaze me constantly with new tricks or funny habits. Today you learnt to say 'money' and that you get a ticket (receipt) in a shop. You liked the ticket more than the toy we bought. These are the little things I want to remember. These are the things I want you to be proud of when you are a man and you look back on our life together. You are my whole world Harry. You carry my heart around with you. Remember that, when you are a headstrong teenager who shouts at his mother.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

I love you to the stars and back.

Mummy xxx